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to raise one’s head
抬起头来  detail>>
i raise my head
我举起我的头  detail>>
raise cheese head
扁圆顶柱头  detail>>
raise one’s hat to sb
向某人举帽致敬  detail>>
raise one’s prestige
提高知名度  detail>>
to raise one’s voice
提高嗓门  detail>>
and so i raise my head
我于是抬起头来  detail>>
raise head and see bliss [happiness]
抬头见喜  detail>>
if we raise our voice as one
只要我们发出呐喊,齐心联合  detail>>
raise one obstacle after another
制造重重障碍  detail>>
vie with one another to raise prices
竞相提价  detail>>
bang one’s head
砰的撞了一下某人的头  detail>>
have rocks in one’s head
有毛病  detail>>
lift up one’s head
欢欣鼓舞。  detail>>
off the top of one’s head
一时记不起来  detail>>
one-turn head
单回路磁头  detail>>
raising one leg to head
单腿及头式  detail>>
stand on one’s head
头顶倒立  detail>>